
Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management, is a customer-oriented business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase profitability by solidifying customer loyalty.

True CRM brings together all key customer information from all data sources within an organization into a central repository. It provides one, holistic view of each customer in real time.

Enterprises are using CRM to :
  • establish a long and stable even relationship with the valued customers

  • keep them from going to competitors

  • make quick and informed decisions on everything from cross-selling and upselling opportunities to target marketing strategies to competitive positioning tactics

  • make customer information available to all who need it.
    The first person a customer contacts within your organization will be able to handle any inquiry.

  • measure sales and marketing efforts
    Know what works, what does not. Invest resources where they will best pay off. Repeat processes that are known to work. Refine those that should work better.

ETELIGENCE provides CRM consulting services including:
  • Consulting of CRM Strategy

  • Solution Analysis and Design

  • Technical configuration and customization

  • Testing and training

  • Post-implementation Support and maintenance

  • Upgrade and Migration